Premium Skeleton Subscription
You can subscribe to Skeletonpricebot as a premium user using our monthly subscription packages. This gives you more features and options.
Last updated
You can subscribe to Skeletonpricebot as a premium user using our monthly subscription packages. This gives you more features and options.
Last updated
Upgrade to 10 Watchlist Spots (Free version has 3)
Upgrade to allow 3 Vote/12Hours on same token (Free version allow 1)
Price: $70/month
Upgrade to 20 Watchlist Spots (Free version has 3)
Upgrade to allow 5 Vote/12Hours on same token (Free version allow 1)
Price: $100/month
Upgrade to 30 Watchlist Spots (Free version has 3)
Upgrade to allow 10 Vote/12Hours on same token (Free version allow 1)
Price: $150/month