Trendig Alerts Feature
Skeletonpricebot has an andvanced feature which notify you in DM mode if a token entering to skeleton trending boost listing.
Last updated
Skeletonpricebot has an andvanced feature which notify you in DM mode if a token entering to skeleton trending boost listing.
Last updated
Using this feature, you can be in the group of people first encountering the trending session. Be an early bird if a team pay for trending!
Visit Skeletonpricebot and use the /start command
Tap the Setup Trending Alerts Button
The bot will show you the chains and platforms you can select to receive alerts on trending boosted tokens entering
❌Means Disabled ✅Means Enabled
Tap on the buttons to turn on them
The bot wil ask and you can verify using YES/NO
You can turn ON/OFF Anytime
The entering popups contain:
Link to the token telegram group
Instant Notification to engage a new trending token. The fastest way to be informed.
More users engaging the trending token compared to usual trending channels. People who turning this feature on are possible interesetd more in buying a token than normal users.
Link to dexscreener or Pumpfun
Marketcap at the time of entering boost Button explanation of boost notification popups: Scan with skeleton scanner Scan with safeanalyzet bot Add to your watchlist Vote for the token Buy token Whalediagram
After receiving boost alert, you can add the token to your watchlist with the button. Learn more about the watchlist feature here: